Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Most Impacting Topic Covered this Semester

I think the most impactful and fact filled information that was covered this semester would have to be sex-trafficking. This is an issue that impacts women worldwide. More awareness needs to be put in place to help gradually lessen the occurrences and one day put an end all together to sex trafficking. The things the women are put through daily and the way it makes them feel is just horrifying. Women are not just a moneymaker in some “pimp’s” or “lady pimp’s” control. The horrible effects that sex trafficking places on women both physically and emotionally is really just sickening. I feel like the best way to fight against sex trafficking is to make people more aware of the reality and complexity it has grown into.

What can a woman do to reduce her risk of assault?

To reduce a woman’s risk of sexual assault, things that must be taken into consideration involving pondering what exactly can trigger a man to even think about assaulting a woman. A woman must think of anything that might perchance cause a man to want to sexually assault her.

Triggers for a man to think vulgarly about a woman can possibly start with a woman who is scarcely dressed. Other initiatives for a man to think offensively about a woman can involve a man who feels superior to a woman in a way that he treats her like property and views her as his to be had. Now it would be hard to ask women to stop dressing the way that they do and almost impossible to change the way some men think about women.

The best thing to do would be for a woman to have a safety plan in case a sexual assault is tried to be put in place. Carry mace, stay in well-lit areas, avoid parking garages, and always travel with a partner. By practicing these safety precautions readily and always being on the lookout for a possible assault, a woman can reduce her risk of sexual assault.

Other ways for women who are in relationships in particular to avoid assaults is to really know a person before you get involved with them romantically, test the man’s character and judgment, don’t just jump in and trust him right away. If a man starts to be abusive in any way at all, make sure that you let someone else know and get away from the situation immediately.